OZ9933 схема включения

Микросхема OZ9933. Производитель- O²micro®

• Constant operating frequency
• Drives positive/negative-impedance lamps during ignition
• High drive current for external MOSFETs
• User-defi ned ignition time and shutdown delay time
• Built-in intelligence for lamp ignition and normal operation of CCFLs
• Open-lamp and over-voltage protection
• Soft start function

OZ9933 is a high performance, cost-effective Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
(CCFL) controller designed to drive large-size LCD applications using 2. 4, or 6
CCFLs. It supports a full bridge, power conversion topology, while maintaining high
effi ciency operation.
This controller converts an unregulated DC voltage into a nearly sinusoidal lamp volt-
age and current waveforms. It supports full-bridge power conversion topology, while
maintaining high effi ciency operation.
The OZ9933 offers a high level of integration, while maintaining fl exibility and high
effi ciency operation that reduces external component heating, resulting in higher
reliability and longer CCFL life. The proprietary design technique provides a simple,
low-cost system solution.

Схема включения

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OZ99XX O2Micro
OZ99XX O2Micro
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