OZ9976 схема включения, описание

Микросхема OZ9976, Производитель- O2micro®

• Offl ine Inverter Controller (IPB)
• Supports both fi xed and variable frequency applications
• Half-bridge or push-pull topology
• Directly drives pulse transformers
• Dedicated pins for Analog and LPWM dimming
• User-defi ned minimum operating frequency
• User-defi ned striking frequency range
• Open-load, over-voltage, and under-voltage lockout protection
• User-defi ned striking and shutdown delay timers
• Soft start function

The OZ9976 is a high effi ciency, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller designed
for off line LCD backlight application. It achieves high effi ciency power conversion
with minimal switching loss using Zero Current Switching (ZCS) technology. OZ9976
applications can operate under fi xed or variable operating frequency with ZCS tech-
The minimum operating frequency can be set by either an external RC network or
operate in self-oscillating mode. The intelligent operating frequency management
circuitry extends Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) lifetime and offers design
fl exibility.

Схема включения

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OZ99XX O2Micro
OZ99XX O2Micro
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